Wednesday, August 13, 2008

F. Y. I.

Hey guys, this is my first post, I guess it's not bad to introduce myself. I'm Little Blogger, you could address me by the nickname 'Rye'. I'm a typical Filipino student on my 4th year as a Civil Engineering student, 18 years of age.

Surfing the net, and gaming are what I do most when I'm in front of my pc. This was 'til one day, as I was browsing through the net, found this article on how to make money online on The moment I've finished reading the article, I could not contain myself, can't help but to think of applying what I've read, which is To Make Money Online by Blogging.

According to the article, Blogging is a neat way of earning money - less capital, plus the convenience of working at your very own home. On top of that, you could even start your blog without the capital. Some sites offer free subdomains for blogs such as Blogger and Wordpress.

That's the main reason why I am here, I want to earn money from this Blogging thing. I can't just pass up this wonderful opportunity lying right in front of me. Knowing that it would be a long journey, I would like to invite you to walk this path with me, a path to conquer the 'Blogosphere'.

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